What have you learned?
4:38 PM
Some posts that I write, I just know it isn't time to publish them.
Something seems to be missing. This post that you're reading has been in
the works for awhile. I hope that it helps.
It is in most people's nature to want to "fix" the problems in their
life; that a specific plan of action will make things right and make us
feel better. We develop plans to "fix" ourselves, "fix" situations, make
everything alright if we just take the right actions. Then we hit a
wall of pain. We want so badly for problems to be of material nature,
ignoring the internal struggle we are facing. We try to force the
problem outside of ourselves in order to try and wrestle it into
submission. We tell ourselves it must be due to circumstances, other
people, bad luck, lack of money. The reality is that all problems are
problems of perception.
You probably don't remember being born, but your mother will never
forget giving birth to you. For most people, it was the single most
traumatic experience: coming into this world. There was pain. There was
fear. But not knowing any different, you embraced the pain. You let go.
You surrendered. Think of any time of great challenge and you will see
great growth. Problems, issues or challenges are the catalysts for
personal growth.
Conversely, self-pity and lack of trust inhibit us. Why is life so
unfair? Did I do something wrong? What did I do to deserve this? What
did I neglect? Where is God? We lose hope and find it difficult or
impossible to have faith in joy, happiness, love, safety. We forget that
pain is the greatest teacher in life.
So what can we do? We associate surrender with defeat and it goes
against everything we have learned since birth. But some things we have
to relearn or we will continue running up against that wall of pain
until the lesson sinks in. Often, life's lessons go against our human
logic. We must surrender, let go, embrace the pain and acknowledge that
our problems originate from within and are a matter of perspective.
Whether intentionally or not, I am certain that I have hurt a lot of
people throughout my life. To those, I send my apologies. I ask that you
find forgiveness for me. To all those who have harmed or hurt me, I
forgive you. I send my love and understanding. We are all connected.